Go beyond Sunday

When I sat down about a year and a half ago to write my book, “Beyond Sunday: Becoming A 24/7 Catholic” (OSV, $14.95), I had no idea how badly we would need to do just that. For years, I wanted to explain

Hope from listening to Catholics

What do serious, practicing Catholics think about the sexual abuse crisis? To find out, you can commission a public opinion survey or you can attend a parish listening session. I chose the latter approach, and the results were at least as illuminating

In face of denial

As the “summer of suffering in the Church” continues to unfold, so too does the shocking reality that more Catholics, not just select bishops, are in denial. Some members of the laity want to pretend the crisis is an invention of the

Role of lay ministers

Question: Do you think that since the Second Vatican Council there has developed confusion between the roles of laity and clergy in the Church? Some commentators seem to think so. Now we have lay ministers of all sorts. What do you make