Catholicism was first introduced to Vietnam by European missionaries in 1533. Despite periods of intense persecution, a significant portion of the population took to the Catholic faith. Today, 7 percent of the country is Catholic, with another 500,000 Vietnamese Catholics relocating to
Paul VI’s being declared a saint this year sheds light on role of popes in a process that’s about holiness
On Nov. 18 in Detroit, Blessed Solanus Casey will become the second U.S-born priest to be beatified, joining Oklahoma City priest Father Stanley Rother, who was beatified just this September. Among the personal effects belonging to Blessed Stanley at the time
On Dec. 2, 2016, Pope Francis officially recognized Father Stanley Rother's martyrdom for the Faith and for his people at Santiago Atitlán, making him the first American martyr and the first priest from the United States to be beatified -- a historic
Whether you’re traveling or staying home this summer, brush up your Catholic IQ and have some fun, too. Whether with a friend or by yourself, test your knowledge of the Faith and maybe even do some research if you’re stumped. Click to
The Year of Mercy promulgated by Pope Francis comes to a close on the feast of Christ the King (Nov. 20). The original announcement was made last year during a homily at a penance service presided over by the pope, who said,
Walking down a city street, who has not encountered a homeless man sitting on a sidewalk and begging for alms? Blessed Frederic Ozanam (1813-53) witnessed such a scene every day as a student in Paris when he walked to his classes at
“In order to live in one single act of perfect love, I offer myself as a victim of holocaust to your merciful love. Asking you to consume me incessantly, allowing the waves of infinite tenderness shut up within you to overflow into
“Save yourself” (Lk 23:37) was the contempt hurled at Jesus as he hung upon the cross. The religious leaders, the Roman guards, even one of the criminals hanging with him, could see nothing but death in the crucifixion of Jesus. Even Jesus,
In Misericordiae Vultus (“The Face of Mercy”), Pope Francis announced a Jubilee Year of Mercy extending from the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Dec. 8 to the feast of Christ the King on Nov. 20, 2016. In the document, Pope Francis