Lessons from the Hellenist widows

The evangelist Luke, in Acts 6:1-6, tells the story of a complaint made by Hellenist members of the community against Hebrew members. The problem was that the Hellenist widows were not receiving adequate “service” during communal meals. So the Twelve Apostles called

Life in the womb

Question: In a pregnancy, we should acknowledge that there is the beginning of life. Is there more than one Scripture passage where God mentions that he knew that person while in the womb? — Armel Audet, via email Answer: There are indeed

Opening the Word: Elected and sent

God elects Christians. I don’t mean that individual Christians are placed on some celestial ballot. Rather, every Christian is part of the elect, those who have been graciously chosen by God for salvation. But whom does God elect? And what does God

Opening the Word: Unwelcome prophet

It’s never easy to hear truth from those we know well. A husband or wife may experience bitterness of heart when their spouse tells them that they’re not carrying their weight around the home. They’re too quick to look at their smartphone

Opening the Word: Conquering the chaos

Death is chaotic. The once vital body shuts down. Breathing becomes labored. As blood ceases to flow, the process of decomposition begins. In dying, our bodies become nothing. All that remains is bones. When God created the world, God fought against this

Worry vs. divine providence

God created everything: the heavens, the earth, the trees, the flowers and every creature on the earth; God did not create worry. Call it by any name, despair, anxiety, concern, God did not create it. We mortals often get worried and preoccupied

Opening the Word: A prophet is born

The Gospel of Luke doesn’t begin with Jesus. It begins with the birth of John the Baptist, an event nearly as stunning, almost as impossible as the Incarnation of Jesus Christ himself. Elizabeth and Zechariah are righteous and barren (Lk 1:6-7). Like

Opening the Word: Hidden mystery

In a fallen world, power wins. Laws are passed in favor of abortion, against the immigrant and criminalizing the homeless because the powerful exert their will over the weak. There are winners, and there are losers. It’s better to win. Yet divine

Opening the Word: Restored communion

As with any created good, the family can become an idol. We demand a love from our children that they cannot give. We seek a communion with our spouse that is impossible for any person to provide. This idolatry of the family