In 1524, Erasmus published his famous work, "Discourse on Free Will," which provided an account of the free will of the human person, against Luther's doctrine of the bondage of the will. Erasmus' brief treatise could be read to serve two functions.
Western theology risks becoming an abstract and rationalized conversation among academics rather than a tool for nourishing the faith of God's people, the papal preacher said.
"Theology, above all in the West, has increasingly moved away from the power of the Spirit to
“In the contemporary confusion, people are no longer clear about basic moral values,” says Father Wojciech Giertych, O.P., Theologian of the Papal Household. For Father Giertych, the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas can help the Church address that confusion. Appointed by Pope
“To promote theology in the future, we cannot limit ourselves abstractly to reproposing formulas and schemes from the past,” begins Pope Francis’s new instruction on the nature of theology, “Ad Theologiam Promovendam.” The problem with the new instruction, argues Our Sunday Visitor
A Vatican office sent dozens of theologians and pastoral workers to refugee camps, prisons, shelters, street corners and markets in 40 cities and towns on every continent to listen to the faith experiences and, especially, the faith questions of people often tossed
Author Colleen Pressprich, who wrote “Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children,” reviews OSV’s new “Teeny Tiny Theology” board books. Pressprich explains why this series of four books is the perfect gift for Easter: “I was impressed by the topics tackled by
In a new essay, theologian Brett Salkeld looks at how the use of analogies is key to getting people to understand each other better: “Have you ever been frustrated by a conversation — perhaps on social media — where someone invokes an
Theology develops through dialogue, not an aggressive defense of doctrine that seeks to impose its beliefs on others, Pope Francis said.