The Roman collar as billboard, blessing and trial

It’s not easy being the face of the Church. When priests wear a Roman collar in their daily activities, they are bound to attract attention — both positive and negative. Father Jacob Meyer shares his experiences as a priest and how he’s

Being Christ’s bride in the world

Jessica Hayes first heard the term “consecrated virgin” while in college. Now, four years after consecrating herself to God in this unique vocation, Hays shares her experience as a consecrated virgin: how she discerned her vocation, how it differs from religious life,

Understanding the Order of Preachers

Dominicans have a long tradition of teaching the Faith, refuting errors while sharing the consolation of the Gospel. Saint Thomas Aquinas established Dominicans as world-class theologians. Their history includes many saints and important men and women, including Blessed John of Vercelli, Bartolome

‘A couple of thoughts from seminary’

During college, assistant editor Ava Lalor met a seminarian named Ben, and in recent months she has enjoyed following his daily Facebook posts noting “a couple of thoughts from seminary” in which he shares anything from deep theological truths to relatable and

Brothers mark 60 years of service as priests

Sitting near the chapel at Regina Senior Living in Hastings, Minnesota, Fathers Martin and Leonard Siebenaler — brothers in life and in the priesthood — have many stories about growing up on a dairy farm during the Great Depression and their years

Studying in the heart of Christendom

Every year, many dioceses in the United States send a select few seminarians to study in Rome at the Pontifical North American College (NAC). Founded in 1859 by Blessed Pius IX, the NAC has formed thousands of U.S. priests. When a man