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Will souls in heaven get judged a second time?

Purgatory Purgatory
An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory. Ludovico Carracci, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Question: As Catholics, we acknowledge the reality of purgatory and how it applies to our final acceptance into everlasting life in heaven. However, does this occur upon our first judgment day before Christ (who sentences us for an undetermined duration), and then once completed, we are finally released into heaven? If so, why do we need to appear again for a possible second or “final” judgment?

Kev, Scottsdale, Arizona

Answer: The first judgment is our personal judgment wherein we account to the Lord for our life and our willingness to accept the kingdom of heaven with all its values and parameters. Given the godly perfection we are promised (cf. Mt 5:48), it does seem likely that most of us will undergo some final purgation before entering heaven to attain that promised perfection. After that purgation is complete, our souls are able to enter heaven. 

As for the “second” or “final” judgment, it is not the same as our personal judgment; it is the general judgment of the world that will take place when Christ comes again in glory. At this judgment, the fate or personal judgment of all will be made known. The Lord will also manifest his judgment on nations, groups, ideas, philosophies and so forth. The truth will be seen for what it is. So, also, errors and lies will be seen for what they are. And the Lord will divide the flock like a shepherd separates sheep from goats (cf. Mt 25:31ff). The saved will enter heaven and the damned will enter hell and a great abyss will forever separate them so the wicked and those who compromise with evil can no longer inflict harm on the faithful as they can do on earth now. At this second (or final) judgment, all will appear: those on earth, those who may still be in purgatory, those in hell, and those in heaven. Angels and demons will also be summoned. Everyone and everything will be seen in the light of God’s truth. At this time the created earth and the whole universe will also be restored to its former glory and order (cf. Rom 8:18ff). Our physical bodies too will rise, glorious and perfected and be joined to our souls.