An invitation to order, love and beatitude

Bishop Varden offers much specific wisdom in his book "Chastity: Reconciliation of the Senses." "The way to order, for most of us," he writes, "goes through disorder." To pretend that such disorder does not exist "is to entertain illusion. … How

Celibacy vs. chastity?

Question: I get confused about the various uses of the words continence, chastity and celibacy. Are they the same thing? — Name withheld, via email Answer: The words are related but also have distinct meanings. Continence, in the wider sense, simply means

‘Unchastity’ explained

Question: You recently referenced Matthew 19, where Jesus forbids divorce. But you said nothing about an exception the Lord makes “for unchastity.” Please explain what the Lord means here. — Name Withheld, Chicago Answer: The particular verse you reference reads as follows: