Catholics urged to pray novena for life Jan. 16-24

The USCCB pro-life committee invites the faithful to participate in the annual 9 Days for Life; each day of the Jan. 16-24 novena has a specific intention accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.

Now is the time of St. Joseph

As we approach the feast day of St. Joseph on March 19, let’s begin to ask for his fatherly intercession. In a time where the family — and fatherhood in particular — is under attack, we need our spiritual father. Not only

Is lying always wrong?

Question: We are told not to lie, but the Bible says Rahab the prostitute lied to protect the Jewish spies. The Bible later praises her as being justified for doing this. Does Scripture praise lying, which is a sin? — Tamarah E.

The Power of Novenas

For many, a novena is thought of as something magical that people do when they want something from God. Many pray novenas when they are in need, but they don’t always get what they want — at least, they don’t always get