Jason King, the Beirne Chair and director of the Center for Catholic Studies at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, spoke with OSV News' Charlie Camosy in June about the non-financial benefits he found that Catholic higher education had on students in
Amid the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, Dr. Marguerite Duane, a board-certified family physician, spoke with OSV News' Charlie Camosy about her work as co-founder and executive director of FACTS about Fertility, an organization dedicated to educating
One of the many significant ethical battles the church faces today is responding to an increased call for physician-assisted suicide, also known as physician-assisted killing. Jason Adkins, an attorney who serves as the executive director and general counsel of the Minnesota Catholic
Every convert's path to the Catholic faith is unique, and some come to the church through more winding paths than others. Jeffrey L. Morrow, currently a professor of theology at Seton Hall University’s Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology (ICSST), recently spoke
Raising faithful Catholic kids in today's society is not easy. Holly Taylor Coolman, assistant professor of theology at Providence College and adoptive mother of five, recognizes the many challenges and recently spoke with OSV News' Charlie Camosy about her new book "Parenting:
These days one often hears the sentiment that being pro-life is at odds with caring for the poor. Kentucky-born physician and Sister of Mercy Sister Mariana Koonce is pro-life and ministers to the poor in her work. She rejects what she calls
As pastoral head of the 11th largest diocese in the United States, Bishop Kevin W. Vann of Orange, California, works to meet the social, economic and spiritual needs of a diverse Catholic population. Bishop Vann, ordained a priest of the Diocese of
The Knights of Peter Claver is the oldest Black Catholic lay-led organization still in existence. This Black History Month, Charlie Camosy spoke with Gregory Herr, who helped establish the first Knights of Peter Claver Council in Orange County, California, in 2022, domiciled
Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles founded OneLife LA a decade ago with a mission of promoting "the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death." On Jan. 20, the annual gathering commences its 10th anniversary of
In an interview, Brother Guy Consolmagno discusses his new book "When Science Goes Wrong: Desire and the Search for Truth."