Fire and renewal at Notre Dame

Before there was the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame was. Before Napoleon erected his Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame was. Before a penitent French people raised the church of Sacré Coeur on the hill of Montmartre, Notre Dame was. The Cathedral of Paris,

Innovative evangelization efforts

By virtue of baptism, all Christians are called to evangelize, to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Over the last few decades, popes have recognized that the time has come for a New Evangelization, a sort of reproposing of the Gospel

‘We have to get our own people back’

As intermediaries between the bishops and the laity, permanent deacons within the Church can help resolve conflict, said Bishop W. Shawn McKnight of Jefferson City, Missouri, and author of “Understanding the Diaconate: Historical, Theological, and Sociological Foundations” (CUA Press, $29.95). “There is

The past and present of Cardinal Pell’s case

The conviction of Cardinal George Pell on five serious charges of sexual abuse has triggered the most serious scandal in the history of the Australian Catholic Church. The confusion among many ordinary Catholics is palpable. Many are only too willing to condemn

After the abuse summit: Where do we go from here?

Now that Pope Francis’ sexual abuse summit has ended — a convocation of more than 100 heads of episcopal conferences throughout the world — many Catholics rightly wonder what comes next in addressing the crisis of clergy sexual abuse. As for the

Saving the oldest Catholic church in Georgia

A white wooden church sits beside a lonely two-lane highway in Sharon, Georgia, a town of 130 souls. It’s the oldest Catholic church in the state but no longer has any parishioners — the last Catholic there died a few months ago.

Student trips provide space for conversion

The Catholic faith is a tactile, incarnational faith. It is a faith of long memory, including the memory of physical things: relics and books, and places for pilgrimage. It is also a lived faith, one in which we are called by Jesus

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