Scripture lesson: To bring a staff or not

A reader asks: “Although I have heard the Gospel containing Jesus’ instructions ‘take nothing for the journey but a walking stick’ a plethora of times, it still surprised me to hear in a recent homily that Jesus looked beyond its use as

How to properly use grammar for God

A reader writes: “As Catholics we believe there is one God in three Divine Persons. Why then do the prayers at Mass not use the third person singular verb when ascribing action to God? For example, the Prayer for the Offerings for

Is God a God of wrath or love?

A reader writes: “I hear a lot about the love of God, but then I also see a lot in the Bible about his wrath and anger. I don’t know which view of God to believe in.” One way to understand it,

Do priests remember the sins we confess to them?

A reader asks if priests remember the sins they hear in confession. Monsignor Charles Pope offers a priest’s perspective before concluding, “your priest, even if he recognizes you in the moment of the confession, is probably not going to remember the specifics