Loving the Spirit

Question: I have difficulty relating to the Holy Spirit. Is the Spirit a person? Are there any suggestions that you can make? — Name, location withheld Answer: Many do struggle to relate to the Holy Spirit as a person for two reasons.

Changing creation

Question: I wonder if it could be that God has not finished creating the world, that we are still in the sixth day of creation? — Name withheld via email Answer: Perhaps we can begin by distinguishing macroevolution from microevolution and natural law

Different Marys

Question: Is Mary Magdalene the sister of Martha and Lazarus and the one who anoints Jesus’ feet with perfumed oil? — Lori Yarsky, Pittsburgh Answer: The current consensus is that Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene are different women, but views in

A certain kind of sin

Question: Why does society in general, and religion in particular, refer to sins of the flesh as “immoral”? Is this not rather vague? Idolatry, blasphemy, murder and perjury are also immoral. What gives? — Lawrence Berg, San Gabriel, California Answer: Your question

Sunday shopping

Question: Is it wrong to shop on Sunday? I find shopping enjoyable, not work. A priest on the radio recently said shopping on Sunday is a mortal sin. — Kathy Cerroni, via email Answer: The violation of the Third Commandment can involve

‘Bless me, Father’

Question: In confession recently the priest told me I should not say, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned”; instead I should say, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.” Is he right? — Name, location withheld Answer: The opening of confession

Modern prophets

Question: Some say the last prophet was St. John the Baptist. But how can this be? Are we without prophets today? — David O’Flaherty, Springfield, Massachusetts Answer: As always with questions like these, it is going to depend on whether the word

Does TV Mass ‘count’?

Question: I am 87 years old, live in a retirement community and can no longer drive. I attend the Mass that is offered here once a month and receive holy Communion when it is distributed each week by extraordinary ministers of the

Fasting in Advent?

Question: I have heard Advent used to be time of fast, much like Lent. Is this so, and what should we do? — Steven Acton, Washington, D.C. Answer: This is true. Advent was once treated more like Lent than it is today,