A letter to the good dads

Katie Prejean McGrady writes that in a world that is quick to bemoan the lack of good fathers, perhaps we need to do more to show our appreciation to the ones who show up every day and do the work that is

Revival begins in the home

As we celebrate Eucharistic Revival, speaker and author Katie Prejean McGrady writes: “What if revival, at the root of which is a renewal of our faith and a desire to be ever closer to the Lord, started in the places we already

Evangelization and the witness of young people

Katie Prejean McGrady shares the journey of her grandmother’s conversion to the Catholic faith. Katie writes, “Raised by a Methodist preacher, she swam the Tiber with my reverted-to-the-Faith grandfather and became the most devoted, passionately Catholic woman I’ve ever known.” When Katie’s

Called to the table by Pope Francis

A week ago, I thought I understood the state of youth and young adult ministry in the Church today. My experiences as a teacher and parish youth minister, as a speaker at events throughout North America, and with the thousands of people