Why Catholics make the sign of the cross

I used to make the sign of the cross casually as a nice gesture for beginning and ending my prayers. But about a decade ago, probably nudged by the Holy Spirit, I took it more seriously. I began to sign myself more

Understanding the parts of the Mass

Part I: The Liturgy of the Word Introductory rites The Mass begins with a procession of, at minimum, the priest into the sanctuary. The priest and anyone who accompanies him represents the congregation, and their journey symbolizes the Christian journey through life

Role of lay ministers

Question: Do you think that since the Second Vatican Council there has developed confusion between the roles of laity and clergy in the Church? Some commentators seem to think so. Now we have lay ministers of all sorts. What do you make

Why are Catholic schools so good at sports?

The national rankings of the country’s top high school athletic teams possess a distinct Catholicity. Mater Dei. De La Salle. St. Anthony. St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Pius X. These aren’t the names of parish churches. Catholic high schools are heavily represented on

The Examen — the prayer that changes everything

A few years ago I started to pray using the Examen of St. Ignatius Loyola. Everything changed for me. Prayer took on a new, refreshing character. I became an evangelist for the Examen. I buttonholed friends, wrote blog posts and a book,

Spiritualities of the Catholic Church

“I’m not religious, but I am spiritual.” How often have you heard someone say something similar? Or perhaps even said it yourself. In our secular culture, being “religious” is often seen as being narrow-minded, judgmental and a bit of a nutcase. It

Four main principles divide Protestants, Catholics

So what, exactly, do Protestants believe? Today, Protestantism encompasses literally thousands of different groups or “denominations.” But they all trace their roots back to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. At that time, some Christians came to understand their faith differently.