Catholicism and the revisited history of the Ku Klux Klan

Many sectors of our nation are once again featuring anti-Catholic sentiments. This is nothing new. Throughout U.S. history, there has been skepticism regarding Catholics from their Protestant brethren. No movement or group so thoroughly demonstrates this as did the Ku Klux Klan.

The mob comes for Scott Hahn (and others)

In his latest for Our Sunday Visitor, columnist David Mills writes about how he recently came across a Facebook post where a group was attacking the notable Catholic author and speaker Scott Hahn, claiming he wasn’t a real scholar. Mills writes: “It’s

Andrew Johnson: Remembering a champion of the Church

Monsignor Owen Campion writes that, while not Catholic, President Andrew Johnson should have a place in Catholic history books. When Catholics in this country needed a friend in high places, Andrew Johnson was there, forthright, unwavering and bold, risking political disadvantage for