How these young people find Christ on the streets

Father Patrick Briscoe narrates the vibrant community life and service-oriented mission of Christ in the City missionaries in Denver, Colorado, emphasizing their joyful approach to communal living and dedication to serving the marginalized. Volunteers, including Meaghan and Erin, engage enthusiastically in chores

How an abandoned laundromat is now changing lives

The story of David's House in Richmond in the Indianapolis Archdiocese is all about transformation.

Yes, there is the changing of a building from decrepit to gleaming white and welcoming. But there also is the transformation of a site of despair -- the

The power of the Living Rosary

Pauline Sister Nancy Usselmann, director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies, writes about a recent experience bringing together her local community to pray a living Rosary, where each person represents a bead on a rosary and says their prayer aloud. Sister