The good is worth fighting for

Pauline Sister Nancy Usselmann writes: “I find that it is easy for my mind to get caught up in the struggles of society, the suffering of people, the horrible things that happen every day. Evil seems to be rearing its head and

Living in a time of madness

OSV publisher Scott P. Richert addresses how we are living in a time of “madness” and lies: “The increasing politicization of public discourse has meant that we all too often measure the truth of any statement not by the extent to which

Like Obi-wan, be a mentor!

Sister Nancy Usselmann addresses the increased problem of loneliness in young adults and how mentoring them can bring back connection and purpose to their lives: “Young adulthood is a time of discovering our desire for deeper connection, meaning and purpose in life

Finding the sacred in the secular as a Catholic

Associate editor Ava Lalor shares the history of her favorite hymn, “O God Beyond All Praising” and how she encountered it in a kids TV show: “I learned that the music from this favorite hymn originally comes from Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite

The culture war turns violent

Following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Our Sunday Visitor contributing editor Russell Shaw looks at the increased violence from left-wing extremists: “things like the firebombing of pregnancy centers and pro-life offices and the desecration of churches, carried out,

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