The Catholic case for focusing on local issues

As part of Our Sunday Visitor’s special election coverage in which four writers make the Catholic case for their particular candidate or position of choice, Bill Kauffman argues that instead of worrying about the race for the Oval Office, Catholic voters should

How to form your conscience before voting

Russell Shaw writes that The U.S. bishops in their quadrennial guide for Catholic voters Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship correctly emphasize that conscience formation as being at the heart of responsible voting. Their aim, they say, is not “to tell Catholics for

Abortion and voting: What does the Church teach?

When it comes to the Catholic view on abortion and life issues, voting is complicated. As David Mills writes in his latest essay, “Catholics aren’t single-issue voters. The Gospel of Life isn’t just the Gospel of Unborn Life. But we are voters

Hate the political position, love the person who holds it

As conversations heat up with the upcoming election, Bill Dodds offers some practical advice when we “hate the political position, love the person who holds it.” His four pointers include the following: to love your neighbor (enemy) as you love yourself; transmit