Opening the Word: The horizon opens

The feast of the Epiphany of the Lord reminds us glory shines once more. Timothy O’Malley writes: “The Magi, through the wisdom of a star, find their way to a hidden babe. He possesses no power. He shows no glory. And yet,

All has been revealed

Many Catholics are surprised when they first learn that the celebration of Christmas came rather late, as feasts of Our Lord go, writes Scott Richert in his latest column. The feast of the Epiphany, on the other hand, was celebrated from the

Opening the Word: The gift of ourselves

In the Opening the Word for the feast of the Epiphany, Timothy P. O’Malley writes that the Wise Men represent the Gentiles coming from the ends of the world. Those who leave everything behind to encounter Jesus will find along the way

Opening the Word: Unsentimental feast

For the Christian, sentimentality is a temptation. The sentimental person is so driven by the desire for strong affections, reducing nearly everything to kitsch or a nostalgia for some imagined past. This sentimentality can easily seep into the feasts of the Christmas

The Epiphany: Christ revealed

Except for Easter and Pentecost, the Solemnity of the Epiphany is the oldest of all Christian festivals, one that originated in the Eastern Churches beginning between the second and fourth centuries. Epiphany means to reveal, show or manifest; Christ is revealed. “The