The unexpected gift of working from home

My baby girl turns 1 this month. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we waited and waited and waited … and eventually had to take her by force, 10 days past due. This little girl, our sweetest, chubby-cheeked Anne

Falling in love with the devotion to Divine Mercy

This year, for the first time, managing editor Scott Warden and his family prayed the Divine Mercy Novena together. Scott writes: “I’d never really spent much time with the Divine Mercy devotion until this year. I’ve seen the Divine Mercy image hundreds

The ‘rite’ way to do family rituals

Scheduling time for your family to work, play, talk and pray together every day is an important part of living the domestic church. In his latest article, Dr. Greg Popcak shares the second rite of domestic church life: family rituals. They aren’t

Making the most of this unexpected journey

Our Sunday Visitor managing editor Scott Warden looks at the joys and struggles of family life with his six children as they all try to manage the quarantine. He writes that “we’ve been hunkered down for almost four weeks, our family of

How families can make the most of Mass at home

Timothy O’Malley reflects on how his family is dealing with the interruption to their Sunday routine during the COVID-19 quarantine. “The first Sunday spent in quarantine, we tuned into our parish’s Sunday Mass, only to see our son immediately become angry. He

Socially isolate and chill

Lisa Hendey writes that with many families engaging in prescribed “social distancing” as the coronavirus reaches pandemic levels, managing screen time will be the new norm for the foreseeable future. It’s good to know that many of the online streaming services offer

How to get family relationships ‘rite’

In his latest column for Our Sunday Visitor, Dr. Greg Popcak writes that the quality of the relationships in our home is the heart and foundation of an authentic family spirituality. Research consistently shows that parents’ ability to pass their faith on

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