A theology of the body for Lent

Why do we fast during Lent? Or rather, why do we as men and women in the 21st century need fasting? While this isn’t the chief purpose of the practice, writes Scott Richert, fasting can help us recover the sense of ourselves

Almsgiving and fasting can both be about money

In word and deed, Pope Francis continues to encourage Catholics to reach out to the poor and not succumb to a consumerist mentality where what we have is deemed more important than who we are. The season of Lent provides a special

Four benefits of self-denial this Lent

As we journey through Lent, Benedictine Abbot Austin G. Murphy probes the question, “How is my Lent going?” He offers four ways in which self-denial can spiritually benefit us, along with some thoughts after each one on how to discern whether or

Are private vows to God binding?

A reader writes: “A couple of years ago, I said to God that if he would get my mom to heaven, I would give up getting married in this life. I don’t remember if I said that I “promise” to do this

The Cross is enough

Publisher Scott Richert shares a background on fasting in Lent, originally meant for those coming into the Church, but eventually expanding to 40 days for the faithful. But for those who may have waited till the 11th hour, or whose fast has

Can fasting be both penitential and beneficial?

A reader explains that, during this time of pandemic, she has been fasting more often. She writes, “It feels sacrificial, but it’s also improving my health. Can a practice be both penitential and beneficial?” Monsignor Charles Pope answers that God would not

Can Catholics eat faux meat on Fridays in Lent?

Debating the morality of eating an Impossible Burger on a Lenten Friday might be as Catholic as it gets. While the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops explains in its Lenten guidelines that the Church's laws on abstinence hold that meat "comes only