Do the Gospels contradict each other?

Luke does not recount the flight to Egypt but simply says that the Holy Family returned to Nazareth. This seems to conflict with Matthew’s account that says they fled to Egypt. How do we resolve this? Monsignor Charles Pope explains by quoting

Who anointed the feet of Jesus?

A reader writes: “Regarding the woman that washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, John 11 tells us it was Mary who was Lazarus’ sister. Other times I hear the woman that did the washing was Mary Magdalene. Is Mary Magdalene Lazarus’ sister?

Apostle of the Divine Word

OSV publisher Scott P. Richert writes about the lasting legacy of Pope Benedict XVI. “There are no coincidences, only divine providence, as our pastor, Father Tony Steinacker, is fond of saying; and the death … Pope Benedict XVI, on the Seventh Day

Exploring the Gospel of Matthew

With the coming of Advent and the Church’s new liturgical year, readings of the Gospel of Matthew will be featured during weekend Masses. Monsignor Owen Campion explores the history of the Gospels and what makes Matthew’s Gospel unique: “Matthew’s Gospel divides its