The Cross is enough

Publisher Scott Richert shares a background on fasting in Lent, originally meant for those coming into the Church, but eventually expanding to 40 days for the faithful. But for those who may have waited till the 11th hour, or whose fast has

The unchosen Lent of old age

Columnist David Mills looks at the story of Peter Maurin, who co-founded the Catholic Worker movement with Dorothy Day. As he grew older, Mills writes, “his mind was going. He was a month short of 70. In the middle of Lent, he'd

Self-denial doesn’t mean what you think it does

Columnist Greg Popcak addresses the false attitude many Catholics have about their desires. In this season of Lent, he writes: “The traditional practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving present a challenging, but welcome opportunity to turn away from distractions and seek the

Begin again

Kathryn Jean Lopez writes about beginning Lent — again: God truly wants us to “come to a deeper understanding of who he is and who we are in him. Then we might just come to make the Beatitudes known by the way

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