Allow God to fill you up

Gretchen Crowe reflects on a Facebook post she recently saw: “The post shared the story of a little boy who was struggling, an 8-year-old who needed a break, needed a hug, and needed just to be reassured of a parent’s love. The

A cry for charity from my oh-so comfortable heart

Assistant editor Ava Lalor shares how a conversation with a priest about the homeless in their community has led her to take seriously how to give alms this Lenten season: “During the season of Lent, we are called to do three things

A life-changing Lent, one week at a time

Every year around this time Catholics ask the same question: “What will I do for Lent?” We know our Lenten practice should be spiritually enriching. We know it should be a sacrifice. However, we might be tempted to take on a commitment

Learning to soften our hearts this Lent

For the past three years, Gretchen Crowe has been immersed in an extraordinary, yet daunting, task: telling the story of Rachel Muha and her son, Brian, who, along with his roommate, Aaron, were kidnapped and murdered during college. But, as Crowe writes,

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