Send in the crowds

If I had a penny for every time my spiritual director over the years has told me “all things Christ,” I would be a very rich woman indeed. Even after all the years of meeting for spiritual guidance, our sessions inevitably end

Opening the Word: Transcendent mercy

God didn’t have to reveal any name to Moses. In fact, one can interpret Moses’ request that God reveal his name as an exercise of mastery, a desire to control the living God. Moses approaches the burning bush with wonder. The bush

40 days of Lent

Question: Why not start Lent on the first Sunday of Lent? What is the reasoning behind starting Lent on a Wednesday? — Paul VanHoudt, Erie, Colorado Answer: There are different explanations or theories of why we begin Lent on a Wednesday. A

Editorial: A Lenten opportunity

With all that is transpiring within the Church right now, Catholic Christians may find it challenging to stay focused on our primary task — that of missionary discipleship, working to bring others to Christ. But what better time than the penitential season