Learning to soften our hearts this Lent

For the past three years, Gretchen Crowe has been immersed in an extraordinary, yet daunting, task: telling the story of Rachel Muha and her son, Brian, who, along with his roommate, Aaron, were kidnapped and murdered during college. But, as Crowe writes,

Opening the Word: The power of Christ’s mercy

In preparing us for Mass on the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Catherine Cavadini explores the readings, which feature unexpected confessions from Isaiah, St Paul and St. Peter, all of whom admit their unworthiness to be called by God. Cavadini writes: “Yet

Remembering past mercies

Gretchen R. Crowe, editorial director for periodicals at OSV, shares insights she gathered from an article written by Father Damian Ference for the Word On Fire website. When we confess our sins and are forgiven, it is the merciful love of Jesus

Loving one another is the way to go

Kathryn Jean Lopez reflects on the misery she is seeing in New York during the pandemic. Healthy-looking, well-dressed, good-looking men in their 30s searching through the overflowing trash cans on the streets — all with a daze to their faces. This past

Two wrongs can make a right

My grandfather was a storyteller. I imagine that’s where I get it from. No matter what we were discussing, Grandpa Richert always had a story that illustrated his point. Especially in heated arguments, those stories were deployed the way he played the