Motherhood and prayer

Colleen Pressprich will tell moms that the role of motherhood will change their prayer lives, but Pressprich wasn’t expecting the seismic shift the followed. She writes: “Mothers need an authentic encounter with Jesus just like everyone else. And just like everyone else,

Finding faith, hope, encouragement for moms

Being a mother is wonderful. It comes with sweet-smelling newborns and sticky-fingered hugs from toddlers and teenagers that can blow you away with their surprising insights on life. But it’s hard, and getting harder, especially for Catholic moms who are trying to

Dating churches

Question: How does one date a church? When the cornerstone was laid? When it was dedicated? For example, the cornerstone at my parish says 1926, but the church itself wasn’t dedicated until 1931. — Mary via email Answer: It depends on what

Maternity homes seek to empower women

Seventeen years ago, Shanika Dawson was pregnant and homeless. The father of her baby was not capable of helping her, she said. Dawson tried sleeping in a shelter in New York but was sexually assaulted. The trains, she figured, were safer. That


The other day was sort of my 20th college reunion from The Catholic University of America. I say sort of for a number of reasons: I graduated early, and I didn’t actually realize the reunion was happening until I saw photos on