Send in the crowds

If I had a penny for every time my spiritual director over the years has told me “all things Christ,” I would be a very rich woman indeed. Even after all the years of meeting for spiritual guidance, our sessions inevitably end

Student trips provide space for conversion

The Catholic faith is a tactile, incarnational faith. It is a faith of long memory, including the memory of physical things: relics and books, and places for pilgrimage. It is also a lived faith, one in which we are called by Jesus

My happy place

Italy is my happy place. It’s not just because of my full-blooded Italian heritage. The beauty, even in the busy and ancient metropolis of Rome, is incomparable. Whether it’s the quaint cobblestone streets lined with lovely shops, bakeries and ristorantes, all of

Pilgrim teens pray for those with mental illness

Eight Catholic teens ages 15-18 discerning vocations to the priesthood and religious life took a 70-mile pilgrimage through the Diocese of Portland, Maine, to pray for and raise awareness about teens struggling with addiction, depression or contemplating suicide. Although it was a

Burial after suicide

Question: My understanding is that the Church did not formerly grant burial in consecrated ground to someone who committed suicide. When did this change and why? —Amy Smith, Arlington, Va. Answer: Yes, there were restrictions many decades ago. This has changed to

Make Your Journey of Faith

Summer is a time of freedom, of escape from the usual routines of work and school. This escape often takes the form of vacation, but Catholics in the United States, whether or not they realize or appreciate it, have the opportunity to

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