The important work of women’s care centers

Every day, staff and volunteers at the thousands of pro-life women’s centers, residential maternity homes and clinics around the country work and minister daily to help not just the unborn baby but the woman carrying the child. These organizations help women who

Optimism abounds despite a smaller March for Life

Lower numbers and higher expectations — that, briefly stated, is the story of the March for Life in 2021, writes Russell Shaw in his latest column. For many years the pro-life march has drawn tens of thousands of demonstrators annually to Washington,

Honoring an unsung hero in the pro-life movement

The pro-life movement has lots of heroes and heroines, sung and unsung alike, writes Russell Shaw, but there’s always room for one more. As an addition to the roster of unsung heroes, he nominates Dick Delaney. Shaw writes: “Never heard of him?

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