Living the tension of Holy Week

“This life is always pointing us home — to our true home,” writes Ava Lalor in her latest column about the tension of Holy Week. She continues: “And yet, we will always feel the tension in some way. Maybe you are still

Remembering Christ’s closeness

The heart of the Christian life really is the willingness to conform ourselves to Christ's way -- that is, to let the paschal mystery work itself out in us, not only individually, but also in the life of the whole Church. It

Who rose after Jesus, according to Matthew?

A reader asks: “There is a passage in Matthew’s Gospel that says something quite astonishing, but I almost never hear it explained or preached. It says that when Jesus died on the cross, ‘the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep

Resurrection is our song

In her latest column for Our Sunday Visitor, Kathryn Jean Lopez talks about the shelter-in-place quarantine in most of America and how we are given opportunities to appreciate the little things in life. Just as the lilies are blooming in New York,

Chair in the sanctuary

A reader asks monsignor Pope, Is it proper for the priest who is celebrating Mass to leave the sanctuary and sit in the congregation to listen to the homily when it is delivered by a deacon? In a word: No. As a