The Ten Commandments: The tension of property

Leonard DeLorenzo, in his series on the Ten Commandments, writes on the Seventh Commandment, “Thou shall not steal.” The Catechism says, “The seventh commandment forbids unjustly taking or keeping the good of one’s neighbor and wronging him in any way with respect

Does God forget our sins?

A reader asks Monsignor Pope, "Recently I heard a priest say that when our sins are forgiven, they are forgotten. On the other hand we believe that after death comes judgment. Which is it?" Monsignor replied, The sins by which we will

Church’s teaching on masturbation

Question: I am having a disagreement with a friend. She says masturbation is a mortal sin. I say it is not. Who is right? — Name, location withheld Answer: When we speak of a sin being mortal or venial, we speak in

Is teasing a sin against the Fifth Commandment?

Is teasing a sin against the Fifth (thou shall not kill and thou shall not harm) Commandment? Maybe. And to further clarify: sometimes. So what is teasing, what is sinning, and where's the line? In this post you'll find help in determining

How does sin darken the intellect?

Question: In a recent response you wrote that sin darkens the intellect. How and why does this happen? — Peter Tate,  Long Beach, California Answer: We have all had the experience of being in a dark room — say a theater —