Your imagination is key to saintliness (or sinfulness)

Writer Bill Dodds explores how our imaginations play a crucial role in our saintliness … or sinfulness. He writes: “Pipedreams. Daydreams. Mindful, mindless mental meandering. All in our head. Sometimes, far from what our imagination was created for. For example, there’s this

Christ’s temptations

This week, a reader asks Monsignor Pope, Our pastor in his homily stated that "Jesus, to completely experience his/our human nature, was also tempted sexually." What does this mean? Monsignor reminds us that we ought not speak of the mystery of Christ's

Not into temptation

Question: Why does the Lord’s Prayer ask God not to lead us into temptation? I’ve also read Bible verses about God hardening people’s hearts. Why would God do that? — Gerald Phillips, Omaha, Nebraska Answer: Part of the problem in understanding biblical