How to baptize someone in danger of death

Are Catholics permitted to baptize a dying individual? If so, how is that done and what is spoken over the person? Monsignor Charles Pope explains: “In danger of death, many of the rules about sacraments are relaxed while what is urgent and

If aliens came to Earth, could they be baptized?

A reader asks: “Would we baptize an alien if one ever came to Earth?” Monsignor Charles Pope answers that if the aliens from another world were pure angelic-like creatures, they could not be baptized. If however, aliens from another world were persons

What did the Vatican say about human cremains?

The Vatican recently published a document explaining how to treat the cremains of the deceased. While headlines may make it appear that people are allowed to retain the cremains of loved ones in one’s home, Monsignor Charles Pope explains why that’s not

Did Jesus baptize during his ministry?

A Catholic deacon asks: “I don’t see Jesus baptizing anyone in the Bible. If Jesus did not baptize, why is that?” Good question. As Monsignor Charles Pope writes, “Though the Scriptures above do mention baptism, they seem also to emphasize that Jesus

Is it OK to leave gifts at the statues of saints?

A reader shares that the courtyard of his parish is lined with numerous beautiful life-size bronze statues of Christ, the Holy Mother, past popes and numerous saints. He asks: “Every week I notice various anonymous ‘offerings’ such as rosaries, flowers, etc., in

Are there Freemasons in the Catholic Church?

A reader writes: “I read with interest recent articles on the Church reemphasizing its prohibition against membership in the Masonic Orders. I certainly understand the rationale for the prohibition. What is confusing is that there continues to be reports of high-ranking members

What’s the lesson of the poor widow?

A reader writes: “Jesus praises the poor widow for giving from what she had need of and seems dismissive of those who gave from their surplus. Isn’t there something irresponsible about giving from what we need? What is the Lord really saying

How did Jesus establish the Sacrament of Marriage?

A reader asks, “Please describe how Jesus established the Sacrament of Marriage.” Jesus did this in two ways, explains Monsignor Charles Pope: “through his own teaching during his public ministry, also, by speaking through his apostle, St. Paul; and, because Jesus continues

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