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Can we pray the Rosary before Mass?

rosary before Mass rosary before Mass
(OSV News photo/Bob Roller)

Question: This past Easter Sunday, the parishioners were not allowed to say the Rosary before Mass by the presiding priest. This is a normal practice that we have had in this church for over 40 years. Is there any logical reason that this would not be allowed?

Larry Masotti, Hermitage, Pennsylvania

Answer: This is a generally common practice, so the forbiddance is odd. There can be some concerns raised to the practice, however. It may be that a number of other parishioners have asked for quiet before Mass and those who pray the Rosary are very few. Since you report that this is a long-standing tradition at the parish, it seems it should be given priority. But, as you know, the clearest answer here is going to be gained by talking with your pastor. Generally, the Rosary is allowed and encouraged proximate to Mass.