Innovative evangelization efforts

By virtue of baptism, all Christians are called to evangelize, to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Over the last few decades, popes have recognized that the time has come for a New Evangelization, a sort of reproposing of the Gospel

9 activities for family night

It’s cold outside, and the kids are nuts. They want to be on iPads and phones and gaming devices all the time. What’s a parent to do? Plan a family night — an evening full of activities that everyone can join in.

A New England space for students to grow in faith

Northeast Catholic College is located in Warner, New Hampshire, and has 90 students and five majors: great books, literature, philosophy, politics and theology. Most of the student body and faculty are practicing Catholics. The college first offered classes in 1974, director of

Emmitsburg shrine points to rich local history

Nestled in Maryland’s Catoctin Mountains is the town of Emmitsburg — a bastion of American Catholicism. The sleepy mountain town is about a two-hour drive north of Washington, D.C., and just south of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, located in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Emmitsburg

Newman residence hall creates space for faith

In many ways, it is hard to live as a Catholic at most universities in the United States. It takes intentionality and care for students to nurture their faith, and a community and support structure is an invaluable part of that intentionality.

Sacred spaces abound on D.C. Campus

The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., established in 1887, is the only institution of higher education founded by the U.S. bishops. Today, it serves more than 3,300 undergraduate students and 2,600 graduate students. With close to 800 faculty members, 176

Student trips provide space for conversion

The Catholic faith is a tactile, incarnational faith. It is a faith of long memory, including the memory of physical things: relics and books, and places for pilgrimage. It is also a lived faith, one in which we are called by Jesus

Our Catholic institutions

The following is an excerpt from an address by Pope Benedict XVI to Catholic educators at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., in April 2008. Some today question the Church’s involvement in education, wondering whether her resources might be better

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