Conscience: God’s voice guiding us in our hearts

In cartoons, conscience used to be portrayed as an angel on someone’s shoulder, trying to steer a character away from temptation, which was represented by a small devil on the other shoulder. Writing in the 13th century, St. Bonaventure described conscience as

St. Luke’s iconic infancy narrative

Among the most popular, beautiful and reflective stories in all Scripture are those known as the infancy narratives found in the first two chapters of the Gospel according to St. Luke. The narratives are not only ageless, familiar stories, but they also

Detachment: Self-emptying leads to holiness

The world is constantly bombarding us with stuff. We are told that to be fulfilled we need to buy this new gadget, that fancy car, that big house, get that high-paying job, wear these particular clothes, and any number of other things.

Grasp the gift of indulgences

Arguably no doctrine of the Catholic Church is more misunderstood than the doctrine of indulgences. Most every book or article on the subject begins by claiming that Catholics are generally confused or at least hazy about exactly what the Church teaches. Examining

What the Beatitudes look like today

The Sermon on the Mount, found in the Gospel of Matthew, is often recognized as the most thorough and systematic moral discourse of Our Lord. One of the most comforting and exhorting of passages has become known as the Beatitudes. More than

A quintessential Catholic city at 300

It’s a big year for New Orleans. 2018 marks its tricentennial year — the 300th anniversary of a city rich in history, culture and diversity. New Orleans is a place all to itself, famous for its architecture, cuisine and music. But akin

The miracle of Oscar Romero

As attested to in the Scriptures, prophets do not arrive very often. Not too many people outside ecclesial circles can name Blessed Archbishop Oscar Romero’s predecessors in El Salvador. Just as few probably know any of the archbishops who succeeded Blessed Romero

In Ireland, a celebration of the family

Since 1994, Catholics have gathered every few years for the World Meeting of Families. This year’s gathering was held Aug. 21-26 in Dublin. In honor of this celebration, Pope Francis journeyed to Ireland for an apostolic visit Aug. 25-26. This trip marks

Students found network for women in STEM

According to Sally Hicks, interim dean of the University of Dallas’ Constantin College and a professor of physics, the number of female students involved in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) decreases as they advance in school. In elementary

Treating the whole person, body and soul

Small Catholic colleges are fast becoming attractive choices for students looking to excel and make a difference in the medical field. Dr. Judy Kreye, associate professor of nursing at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio, says that their Master’s of Science in

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