Ave Maria promotes faith at every step

Ave Maria University in southwest Florida is a newer Catholic college, having been established in 2003, but it has a vibrant campus ministry program, which includes five priests serving the needs of its 1,052 students. Students are encouraged to participate in daily Mass

Street evangelization for modern times

When most people think about street preaching, they picture tent revivals, or the fiery Protestant minister with King James Bible in hand shouting about being saved, or the apocalyptic firebrand imploring repentance. Few likely think of the Catholic Church. But there are

The Sacraments of Healing today

Scott Weeman’s trouble with alcohol began as a junior in high school. In college, this habit became destructive. He started drinking and doing drugs every day. He lost his college scholarship and was forced to return home. After treatment when he was

Priests weather the abuse crisis

During the summer of 2018, the Church in the United States was devastated by revelations of sexual abuse and the subsequent deluge of allegations, the likes of which had not been seen since the “Long Lent” of 2002 in the wake of

Missionary generosity at the click of a button

Modern communications technology has provided us with previously unthinkable tools for supporting the mission of Catholic organizations. Charitable organizations can securely, efficiently and conveniently receive donations from people all over the world in the blink of an eye; those devoted to evangelization

Catholics of the Year 2018

Every year, Our Sunday Visitor profiles the Catholics who have made the biggest impact in the life of the Church over the course of the previous year. And while 2018 has seen many painful stories of people’s misdeeds emerge through revelations about

Christmas takes us back

Every year, Our Sunday Visitor asks our readers to send in their favorite Christmas memories, as well as their original Christmas poems. Without fail, these offerings transport our editorial staff back through time and across space as we receive accounts of Christmases

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