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Focus on God now by following the S.A.I.N.T.S.


Amid the ups and downs of life and its many phases and stages, things can feel overwhelming when a crisis or challenge comes along. Although most of our days are filled with many joys and blessings, we do have times when we are faced with great challenges. We’ve all experienced the cross; it’s part of living in this valley of tears.

Sometimes we tell ourselves we shouldn’t feel anxious, worried or stressed to a breaking point if we have faith. We tell ourselves that if our faith were stronger, all of our troubles would disappear. So when problems come our way, we don’t know what concrete things we can do to help us navigate them with grace.

The truth is that it’s not all up to our own determination. Grace is a gift from God. He is the consoler, the counselor and the one who gets us through life’s real struggles. Yet there are actions we can take to learn how to better focus on God through prayer and concrete steps that help us face our struggles with a little more confidence.

S.A.I.N.T.S. as a call to action

Years ago in prayer, I took the word saints and created a little acronym that helps me when I’m hit with the curve balls of life. You know, the ones that knock you down and make you wonder how you will ever get up?

I learned that when I feel anxiety creeping up and causing me to stop in my tracks, I need something to help me push forward and live the life that I’m called to, one day at a time. When I catch myself in a moment of serious stress or trouble that feels crippling, I do the following.

First, I count down from three, and then I say out loud, “Focus on God now!” This helps me to derail the negative worry train. Then I use the word SAINTS and take each letter as a call to action that I can do immediately.

S: Say your prayers

I make the Sign of the Cross but with more focus than normal. I become more consciously aware that the one and holy Trinity is truly present with me now. Then I pray! First, I lay it all at the foot of the cross. These prayers might be urgent pleas to God for the current situation that has caused me stress. Then I pray one of my favorite go-to prayers. For example, I might say, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Guardian Angel help me,” or I might pray a Hail Mary or an Our Father.

A: Adore God

I turn to God and adore him in my mind by saying a Bible verse, Psalm or a prayer I already know from the Mass. I might exclaim aloud, “Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven, praiseworthy and glorious forever!” (Dan 3:56), or pray, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!” This action reminds me that even though I might be afraid or even distraught, God is good and almighty.!

I: Imitate the saints

I look to the saints who are my friends or find one who has lived in my situation or faced a similar difficulty. What prayer did they pray, or what action did they take? For example, Mother Teresa is remembered for saying, “Do small things with great love!” If I’m focused on me and my problems, whether they are real or imagined, I might say the phrase out loud, and immediately my focus becomes different. If I’m stewing or worrying and stuck, I might say, “I will not waste time!” (Blessed Carlo Acutis). I roll up my sleeves and do something. I begin on the task ahead of me.

N: Do it now

I take the stress and put the energy into something I can do. I stop and look at my vocation. Am I a wife, a mother, a student, a daughter? Do I have a job of some kind that needs to be done? I say, “Do it now,” aloud, and then I begin the task ahead of me with fervor. I’ve made a list of the top three priorities in my vocation, and I get moving and get them done!

T: Give thanks

For one minute, I say thank you to God, even if I can’t think of many reasons to give thanks. Say, “Thank you,” out loud! This helps us to become aware that God has already blessed us in so many ways, and despite whatever whirlwind is happening around us, he will continue to bless us. We can look to the past or the present for blessings he has already given. And we can look to the future and thank him in advance for the many blessings that will be given to us. This reminds us to hope and trust in him.

S: Stay the course

This is where I ask myself: Do I need to call a friend or ask for help from someone who cares? Do I need to go to confession and get graces from the sacraments? Say out loud, “Stay the course!” You got this! You can do this as many women before you have done. Persevere, so you can hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Living with the S.A.I.N.T.S.

Whatever struggle you face, you are in the presence of God. He sees around every corner that is hidden from us, and his goodness will prevail. He will not leave you stranded and alone. This way of turning to God in the trials of life may not take away all of your troubles, but it will help you to move, call on God, and do what you can while striving to be saints. Join me the next time the crosses of life seem too heavy to bear and, “Focus on God now!”