Sainthood. Each of us is called to it, but it’s not so simple to achieve. Thankfully, we have the example of thousands of men and women throughout history who the Church has declared to be in heaven with Our Lord.
What better way to be inspired to live holy lives of virtue than to learn more about saints with the goal of modeling our lives after them? And because it’s summer, we’ve provided a fun, family-friendly way to do just that. Test your knowledge of the saints — and maybe learn a thing or two — in the following quiz. The categories give context clues, and if you need it, an answer key is at the end.
Good luck, and have fun!
Michael R. Heinlein is editor of OSV’s Simply Catholic and a graduate of The Catholic University of America. He writes from Indiana.
1. Known as a martyr in defense of marriage, this British saint became a widower in his early 30s.
A. John Henry Newman
B. Thomas Becket
C. Thomas More
D. Simon Stock
2. This saint was a physician and died shortly after giving birth to her fourth child.
A. Zélie Martin
B. Margaret Clitherow
C. Catherine of Siena
D. Gianna Beretta Molla
3. This Canadian saint was a wife, mother and religious foundress. She often is invoked against house fires.
A. Marguerite d’Youville
B. Marguerite Bourgeoys
C. Marie of the Incarnation
D. Marie Barbier
4. This American saint converted to Catholicism after her husband’s death.
A. Theodora Guerin
B. Henriette Delille
C. Elizabeth Ann Seton
D. Katharine Drexel
5. The married couple first to be jointly beatified came from this country.
A. France
B. Italy
C. Poland
D. United States
6. Considered an apostle, this saint introduced St. Paul to the Twelve.
A. Barnabas
B. Timothy
C. Mark
D. Titus
7. This saint was the first to see the risen Jesus.
A. Peter
B. Mary Magdalene
C. Martha
D. John
8. This saint is not one of the first seven deacons mentioned in Acts of the Apostles.
A. Nicholas
B. Stephen
C. Thomas
D. Timon
9. There is no book in the New Testament attributed to this saint’s authorship.
A. Jude
B. Peter
C. John
D. Andrew
10. Known traditionally by this name, he is the Roman soldier who pierced Christ’s side with a lance.
A. Cornelius
B. Longinus
C. Cleopas
D. Silas
11. As a patroness of abuse victims, Blessed Laura Vicuña hails from this South American country.
A. Brazil
B. Chile
C. Argentina
D. Ecuador
12. St. Thérèse of Lisieux died at this age.
A. 18
B. 22
C. 24
D. 29
13. St. Dominic Savio was a student and protégé of this saintly priest.
A. Vincent de Paul
B. John Vianney
C. John Bosco
D. Padre Pio
14. This is the youngest non-martyr saint to have been canonized by the Church.
A. Agnes
B. Maria Goretti
C. Bernadette
D. Jacinta
15. St. Joan of Arc was martyred in this French city.
A. Rouen
B. Tours
C. Marseilles
D. Paris
16. This saint was chosen as the apostle to replace Judas.
A. Silas
B. Timothy
C. Paul
D. Matthias
17. He is often referred to in theology as an apostle, although he was not one of the Twelve.
A. Zaccheus
B. Barnabas
C. Paul
D. Simeon
18. This month has the most apostles’ feast days.
A. January
B. May
C. August
D. November
19. This apostle was spared from dying a martyr’s death.
A. Jude
B. Peter
C. John
D. Andrew
20. This saint is regarded to have spread Christianity to India.
A. James the Less
B. Thomas
C. Philip
D. Bartholomew
21. He was the third pope.
A. Linus
B. Cletus
C. Clement
D. Sixtus
22. The number of popes canonized from the 20th century.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
23. This pope was the first to travel to the United States while in office.
A. John Paul II
B. Paul VI
D. Pius X
24. This pope resigned from the papal office.
A. Pius V
B. Leo the Great
C. Celestine V
D. Gregory the Great
25. Which of the following popes canonized the most saints?
A. Benedict II
B. Leo II
C. Sixtus II
D. John Paul II
26. St. John Neumann is the only American saint with this designation.
A. Deacon
B. Priest
C. Bishop
D. Layman
27. The greatest number of American saints are buried in this state.
A. New York
B. Maryland
C. Pennsylvania
D. California
28. The number of American saints actually born in the United State.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
29. This saint was a missionary educator and foundress who established schools throughout Indiana.
A. Katharine Drexel
B. Theodora Guerin
C. Rose Philippine Duchesne
D. Elizabeth Ann Seton
30. This saint is considered by many to be an American Founding Father.
A. Junipero Serra
B. Damien of Molokai
C. John Neumann
D. Isaac Jogues
31. There are currently ___ Doctors of the Church.
A. 34
B. 35
C. 36
D. 37
32. This Doctor of the Church is known as the “Angelic Doctor.”
A. Augustine
B. Thomas Aquinas
C. Leo the Great
D. Teresa of Ávila
33. He is the only deacon among the Doctors of the Church.
A. Ephrem
B. Bede
C. Athanasius
D. Jerome
34. The number of women who have been declared a Doctor of the Church.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
35. This Doctor of the Church is not one of the four Great Greek Fathers.
A. John Chrysostom
B. Gregory Nazianzen
C. Basil the Great
D. Gregory the Great
36. St. Peter Chanel, a missionary to Oceania, came from this country.
A. Italy
B. England
C. France
D. Germany
37. This Franciscan missionary died in Peru.
A. Louis Bertrand
B. Francis Solanus
C. Francis Xavier
D. Junipero Serra
38. She is the patroness of missionaries, even though she never left her monastery.
A. Teresa of Calcutta
B. Teresa of Ávila
C. Thérèse of Lisieux
D. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
39. This French bishop founded the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate to evangelize the poor.
A. Ignatius of Loyola
B. Francis de Sales
C. Vincent de Paul
D. Eugene de Mazenod
40. St. Marguerite Bourgeoys was a missionary to Canada and one of the first citizens of this city.
A. Montreal
B. Quebec City
C. Ottawa
D. Toronto
Glory Be Prints |
Do you like some of the images you see? Teenage entrepreneur Rebecca Pohlmeier has combined a passion for creativity with her love of the Catholic faith, creating Glory Be Prints. With over 70 individual saint and quotation printables, as well as a rotating collection of vinyl stickers, her collection has something for everyone. To view her artwork and purchase prints, please visit her site: Also, don’t miss the new 2020 Glory Be Saints Calendar. The saints include:
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Answer key
Husbands and wives
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B; Blessed Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrocchi were the first married couple jointly beatified by the Church. In his homily at their 2001 beatification Mass, Pope John Paul II said, “Their fidelity to the Gospel and their heroic virtues were verified in their life as spouses and parents.”
In the Bible
6. A
7. B; The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John state the Risen Christ was first seen by St. Mary Magdalene. In the garden outside his tomb, Mary saw Jesus, but at first thought he was the gardener. She recognized Jesus when she heard him call her by name.
8. C
9. D
10. B
Under 30
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. A; St. Joan of Arc was put to death at Rouen for the false charge of heresy, yet vindicated posthumously. She is the quintessential French heroine and was canonized in 1920.
Twelve plus
16. D
17. C
18. B; May celebrates three apostles: Sts. James the Less and Philip share a combined feast on May 3, and Judas’ replacement, St. Matthias, is celebrated on May 14.
19. C
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. D; Pope St. John Paul II canonized 482 saints during his 26-year reign as successor of St. Peter. The majority are martyrs. Only Pope Francis has canonized more.
The Americans
26. C
27. C
28. B; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was born in New York City in 1774, when it was still part of the British colonies. St. Katharine Drexel was born in Philadelphia in 1858.
29. B
30. A
Doctor in the house?
31. C
32. B
33. A
34. B; Pope St. Paul VI declared Sts. Teresa of Ávila and Catherine of Siena the first female Doctors of the Church in 1970. Pope St. John Paul II distinguished St. Thérèse of Lisieux in 1997, and Pope Benedict XVI did so with St. Hildegard of Bingen in 2012.
35. D
To the ends of the earth
36. C; St. Peter Chanel was a missionary to Oceania. He knew that his life was threatened, writing: “It does not matter whether or not I am killed; the religion has taken root on the island; it will not be destroyed by my death, since it comes not from men but from God.” He was martyred in 1841.
37. B
38. C
39. D
40. A