The Passover timeline

A reader asks: “Jesus asked the apostles to go into town to prepare the Passover meal. They did as he asked. This meal took place on Thursday. Why not on the customary day of Friday evening?” Monsignor Charles Pope writes: “You are

St. John the Evangelist

A Galilean, John was the son of Zebedee and brother of James the Greater. He was a fisherman, who along with Peter and James, became a member of the inner circle around Jesus. John was present at the Transfiguration and the Agony

St. Andrew the Apostle

Andrew was the son of a Galilean fisherman and the brother of Simon Peter. He lived in Capernaum and was a follower of St. John the Baptist before being called by Christ. He recognized Jesus as the Messiah and introduced him to

Why are bishops no longer called apostles?

Question: “We know as Catholics that our bishops of today are descendants of the apostles (apostolic succession). Having said that, I don’t see any of the apostles being addressed as bishop in the Bible. When did this transition take place and were

Getting to know the apostles

Take away the apostles and it’s unlikely that we would be Christians. Without these faithful and courageous men, we would not know the Good News nor Our Lord Jesus Christ. The original 12 apostles, plus Paul and Matthias, are the foundations of

Wise words from a successor of the apostles

In his latest column, managing editor Scott Warden reflects on how people treat the world’s bishops, who are successors to the apostles. He writes: “These days, it seems apparent that there are an awful lot of folks who despise the bishops. For

The origin and meaning of the Apostles’ Creed

How many Mass-goers fully understand what they are saying when they join in the profession of the creed? Do they appreciate that, when they say “I believe” they are pledging themselves along with the rest of the Catholic Church to the realities