How my father’s death renewed my hope in God

In the midst of the COVID lockdowns, columnist Simcha Fisher lost her father. Yet his death, funeral and burial just before Easter 2020 gave her a renewed sense of the firm ground of God’s presence. In this article she talks about how

How to baptize someone in danger of death

Are Catholics permitted to baptize a dying individual? If so, how is that done and what is spoken over the person? Monsignor Charles Pope explains: “In danger of death, many of the rules about sacraments are relaxed while what is urgent and

Lazarus, death, and the tears of God’s grief

In Sunday’s reading from the Gospel of John, we heard the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. In her latest essay, Simcha Fisher reflects on the powerful moment when Christ openly grieves for his friend. “He weeps not despite his

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