Jesus’ sacrifice was offered for the many

A reader asks why, during the consecration of the precious blood, the priest says “... which will be poured out for you and for many … .” He asks, “Didn’t Christ shed his blood for all?” Monsignor Charles Pope explains that while

A Lenten journey through death into life

In this week’s All Things New, Scott Richert writes about the reserved body of Christ that is distributed to the faithful. This most commonly happens on Good Friday when Communion was consecrated at Mass on Holy Thursday. Receiving the Eucharist without a

Life of Christ, Part 8: Announcing the Eucharist

In the eighth installment on the life of Christ, Russell Shaw writes about Jesus’ announcement of the Eucharist, a message embraced by some, rejected by others. Jesus feeds the multitude and then announces, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat

Hopeful stories of reverence before the Real Presence

If we truly believed in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, how would we change? In this week’s Openers, assistant editor Ava Lalor shares a few stories about the witnesses of her parish priests and how their bold love, belief