Is there a rule that Mass must include music?

A reader asks two questions: Is music required at Mass and can Catholics play hymns from a phone over church speakers during adoration? With the first, Monsignor Charles Pope responds that there are “norms that favor singing at Masses, with some exceptions.

What surefire paths lead to more priestly vocations?

Personal encouragement and Eucharistic adoration are crucial in fostering vocations to the priesthood, according to data from a newly released report.

On April 15, the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University released the 2024 "Survey of Ordinands to the

Spending time with Jesus

D.D. Emmons reflects on the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Once the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, we sing a song of praise and then a time of silence, sacred silence, no chit-chat, no cell phones, no unnecessary noise. It is akin to

What kind of people go to adoration?

Without really meaning to, Simcha Fisher seems to have adopted adoration as a mainstay of her spiritual life. She writes: “It’s the thing I keep coming back to in all seasons, and I’ve done so since I was in college, and I

Caffeine and Jesus in Minnesota business

Joe Slama reports that St. James Coffee in Rochester, Minnesota, may at first glance be an ordinary coffee shop. But it’s probably the only coffee shop in the country that has an adoration chapel. Since 2016, the coffee shop has permission from

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