The best lack all conviction

I recently finished reading Walker Percy’s second novel, “The Last Gentleman.” I don’t remember having read it before, though the copy that I’ve owned since college some 30 years ago has marks in the margin that I recognize as mine.

Modeling rituals for our children

There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about the problem of the “nones” — the rise of the unaffiliated millennials — who have left religion behind (assuming they ever were religious in the first place). The phenomenon spread to the

9 activities for family night

It’s cold outside, and the kids are nuts. They want to be on iPads and phones and gaming devices all the time. What’s a parent to do? Plan a family night — an evening full of activities that everyone can join in.

Finding true joy

  I’m not sure where I first heard the suggestion that Christians need to think about the word “joy” as an acronym: Jesus first, others second, yourself last. This explanation hit so close to home that, to this day, the catchy phrase