Loving more and better

Kathryn Jean Lopez explains that in this age of darkness, loving more and better is critical. She writes, “Loving at every opportunity is the only way to a civilization of love.” She spoke of a Witness for Life Mass and Rosary that

Four ways to fulfill our mission to love like Christ

Dr. Greg Popcak writes that “every Christian is called to be pastoral. Not just pastors and professional ministers, but Christian parents, politicians and anyone attempting to use their gifts to build the kingdom of God. At heart, being pastoral means shepherding each

Opening the Word: The law of love

Timothy O’Malley writes for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time that “God loves you. Even when we do not deserve it.” He adds that “If you love God, you love your neighbor. There is nothing more radical than that. You may recognize

Focus on what you can do: Love gratuitously

While Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” is full of big ideas and ideals, Gretchen Crowe writes that the pope offers an invitation on how to love more effectively in the small moments. Focussing on the fourth chapter of the letter, Pope

Will they know we are Christians?

Assistant Editor Ava Lalor writes in her Openers column that there is a lot of woundedness in the world and in the Church. This is nothing new. But we all can do our part to love more, to check our thoughts, speech

When emotions are gone, choose love anyway

As Catholics return to Mass, many people will have different experiences. Some will be overwhelmed by emotions as they rejoin their community of faith and receive Our Lord in the Eucharist for the first time. Others will be happy to return but

Choosing love and joy amid a culture of sorrow

I think everyone can agree that the recent weeks have been hard. The sinking feeling we all had upon hearing of the mass shootings in California, Texas and Ohio have become all too familiar. “Another one” — that’s what ran through my