Why I’m worried robots are replacing real relationships

Associate editor Ava Lalor writes about an ad she recently encountered featuring a friendly robot geared toward helping kids with social interactions and emotional processing. While it seems like a fun product at first glance, Lalor shares her concerns with this new

We need the saints to teach us about friendship

In his latest column, managing editor Scott Warden explores the concerning statistics regarding friendships among adults and teens. He writes: “Recent studies have shown that Americans today are suffering from a drastic lack of friendship as compared to their peers from a

An open and honest conversation about religion

Columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez shares the stories from conversations at a brunch with friends and acquaintances: “I really didn’t think we’d wind up talking about politics and religion, those things that you’re warned never to talk about in mixed company. But I

Letters to a Young Catholic: How to date

In his ninth letter to young Catholics, Lenny DeLorenzo talks about dating. He encourages those dating to tell the truth, to follow through with commitments, be attentive and pray for the other person. DeLorenzo suggests that not all dates have to feel

To my little brother on his wedding day

In her latest column, Ava Lalor reflects on her younger brother’s upcoming wedding to his high school sweetheart. She writes: “There is so much I could say, so much we’ve already said in late night conversations over the years. But sometimes it’s

Hate the political position, love the person who holds it

As conversations heat up with the upcoming election, Bill Dodds offers some practical advice when we “hate the political position, love the person who holds it.” His four pointers include the following: to love your neighbor (enemy) as you love yourself; transmit

How healthy is your domestic church? A quiz

Since January, Dr. Greg Popcak has devoted his column to exploring the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life, a model of family spirituality that helps families encounter Christ more meaningfully at home. How well is your family living the three rites that make

Who is my neighbor?

In his latest “All Things New” column for Our Sunday Visitor, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes that “we are called to love God above all else, and our neighbor as ourself, but our ability to love others in any way that isn’t

Seven ways to manage ‘COVID Stress Syndrome’

The world is experiencing a historic challenge in the face of the global pandemic. Not only are people concerned both for their own health and the health of their loved ones, but the restrictions on normal activities and the economic repercussions of