Why are we all conceived with original sin?

A reader asks: “Why is everybody, except the Blessed Virgin, conceived with original sin on their souls? If all of us inherit our first parents’ mortal sin, why do we not inherit the personal sins of our own parents or other ancestors?”

See you in the story

"See you in the story." This is the promise of literature and liturgy. The familiar tales we tell to children over generations and generations. The living Word we proclaim as a church, pulsing and breathing whenever we speak it aloud and share

How is there no salvation outside of the Church?

The Catholic Church says in Unam Sanctum (A.D. 1302), “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” But Lumen Gentium (A.D. 1963) says, “Those also can

No, Mary was not a surrogate mother

A reader writes: “Wasn’t Mary a surrogate mother? Did she not bear a son for someone other than her husband, Joseph? Jesus was the Son of God. Was he not conceived by artificial insemination? She didn’t have intercourse with anyone. … I