How to celebrate holy days of obligation

Holy days of obligation are important days in the Catholic Church that honor special events or special people. Throughout the year, there are specific feasts of Our Lord, Our Lady and the saints that Catholics are obliged to attend a holy day

Do the Gospels contradict each other?

Luke does not recount the flight to Egypt but simply says that the Holy Family returned to Nazareth. This seems to conflict with Matthew’s account that says they fled to Egypt. How do we resolve this? Monsignor Charles Pope explains by quoting

The Nativity of the Lord

On December 25, we observe the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord. Since the fourth century, Christians in the West have celebrated the feast of the Nativity of Christ on December 25, marking the beginning of the Christmas season.

The Nativity tells

A Eucharistic Word: Joy

At Christmas, let us pray that we can be found like the shepherds. May our encounters with the eucharistic Lord, the same as the encounters as the shepherds with the babe in the manger, cause others to ask, as inquired of the

Praying with St. Patrick at the manger

Of all the people who could have been present at the birth of Christ, God chose shepherds. Father Patrick Briscoe explains how an ancient prayer of St. Patrick, who was once a humble shepherd himself, can help us draw closer to the

Opening the Word: Arriving at the manger

Be ready for Mass on this Christmas Day. Catherine Cavadini challenges us to ponder the Nativity scene as Our Lady pondered the events. Catherine writes: “We arrive at this scene of angels and shepherds, coming in adoration, and making the joyful news