What are God’s New Year’s resolutions for you?

Tis the season for making our New Year’s resolutions. While some people are excellent goal setters, others get discouraged when they fall short. But, what if we approached this year with different expectations. What if, instead of asking ourselves what we want

A year of the cross

The closer Christmas came this Advent, the more I kept thinking about the cross. As we put the Christ child in the cribs in our homes and churches (and I might have one in my office, too) in preparation for him, I

Geese and God winks

It was a tough year, and there is no indication that we’re going to have it any easier in 2019. In just a matter of weeks, the abuse crisis in the Church will be as front and center as it was last

Pope Francis looks ahead to intense 2019

A couple of years ago, Pope Francis joked that maybe he wouldn’t be around in 2019, since octogenarians like himself “are about to pass away.” But as the calendar turns the page and the sixth anniversary of his pontificate approaches, the 82-year-old

Editorial: Paging ahead

As we conclude 2018, Catholics might feel tempted to turn the page a little more quickly than usual. With the resurgence of the clergy sexual abuse crisis — seen in such stories as the fall of Archbishop Theodore McCarrick and the release

7 ways to recharge your spiritual battery

A smartphone manufacturer made news recently when it announced that, yes, its batteries only function optimally for a couple of years. Or less. Consumers were not pleased, and rightfully so. The maker confessed but omitted any mea culpa. Your Maker, on the