Praying with the heart of Jesus

I love everything about the Sacred Heart. And so, just about every June, I want to plunge deeper into its depths. As Independence Day rolls around, I find myself sad and disappointed about opportunities passed over the course of the month dedicated to

Real friends really matter

Just a few weekends ago, we celebrated Trinity Sunday. And while the Trinity is so mind-blowing that even some of the greatest theologians in Church history had, and still have, a hard time explaining and understanding it, we can, at the very

U.K. court ruling shows eugenics is not just history

We are living in a new age of eugenics, a resurgence described as "health care." It is more subtle, but it is there nonetheless. The abortion statistics speak for themselves, and as Russell Shaw wrote in a recent article, the pro-choice industry

What should we see at consecration?

What do you see when the priest elevates the host at the consecration during Mass? This isn’t a trick question, but it’s one that goes to the heart of how we, as Catholics, should view the world. In my last column, as

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